We, humans, went through many influential technology and industrial revolutions, currently being in the middle of Information or rather Digital Revolution of the global golden age. Apparently, we are still strongly influenced by Post-war boom of mass consumption called The Green Global Age of the Information Revolution, seen in fashion Industry as a Fast Fashion. Fast fashion is one of the reasons why our planet is warming up due to producing huge amount of greenhouse gas (GHG).  


What actually is fast fashion?

Fast fashion stands for clothing that is manufactured at fast pace, actually, extremely fast pace, could be some tenths of seasons a year. Clothes become cheaper and cycles of seasons are shorter.

The textile industry was early and very enthusiastic adopter of globalisation and led global manufacturing into industrial revolution. Revolution driven by expansion and growth, and measured by gross domestic product (GDP). The global fast fashion market is expected to grow from € 28.10 billion in 2020 to € 36.60 billion in 2025 according Research And Markets.


“Due to relocation of manufacturing sides, the significant contribution to climate warming was set-up.”


The environmental talks and motion in developing legislation was slowly expanding. On already high manufacturing and labour cost, additional cost pressure has been recognised. Therefore, the manufacturing had to move to low-cost manufacturing countries – here people are paid lower wages. These countries were not been physically or legislatively prepared to deal with environmental and social impacts.

Most of our clothes are made outside European region and have to be imported. How much CO2 is generated through imported goods? That’s not easy task. There is a study led by CDP where almost 12 000 suppliers were requested to answer about their foot print. First of all, just about 53% suppliers provided feedback. So, just above 6 000 suppliers generate 8.000 MtCO2e which is the double amount of greenhouse gases created by whole European Union.


“Tremendous amount of pollution is created by importing goods to Europe.”


What brings another worry is treating youth generation by watching cartoons which show kids to manufacture Teddy toys and other textile products. That is how this picture will become to our kids normal, and they will not find anything strange once more pictures like this they will see.

In developed countries, shopping of clothing is not anymore occasion, but it follows the consumer increased appetite for having more, the hottest styles and not forgetting showing purchase power. It became more like a hobby with a take away coffee in hand.

In past, it used to be a reason to go shopping or rather it was an occasion event during which people met and had a social contact. They were usually made by small local businesses or at local tailor’s even made at home. They cost a lot and hence, people had few different outfits. Shopping occurred few times a year, mainly when the season changed or we realised that what we liked for last years we already outgrew. We liked most of the clothes we had, therefore, we often mend or restyled those clothes. For example, when there was some small problem like broken zip or little hole, usually, it was let to repair. Nowadays, already some brands are making those efforts to provide support with repair of old clothes. For most of them it is something that does not bring the profit, but it builds a trust and relationship with their customers. Another tent to make some profit by making video online tutorials or even some wrote a book to help you with DIY repair. Why so much effort with old clothes? It is simple. Keeping old clothes is awesome! It is like a relationship which brings memories. Certain T-shirt may remind the first date, first sport match or race, maybe last race or another T-shirt was sweated during that night when you (now talking to men) were standing next to your girlfriend or wife who was giving the birth to your child… or this shirt is tighten to wedding or it reminds the story when sun spilled ketchup on its back while you was explaining something very important to your friend…

All of these could be reasons why you do not want to get rid of your clothes, and why they are still in your wardrobe. There is a true relationship and every good relationship takes some effort. So, do you really want to through away your favourite piece of cloth in to the bin?

Another experience many people shared with me is about what they have realised. They found that wearing and washing newly bought clothes, they do not last as long as the old one. First defects of their goods are seen within few weeks.

Are you happy with clothes made somewhere which last less?